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Advertise with us

Interested in advertising with canalexplorador.net?

Our banners are available on canalexplorador.net channels and portals. We also publish regular updates, ensuring peak frequent visits. We publish high quality articles and news content.

banner11We spread and promote your messages regularly on Twitter and Facebook, to raise the level of influence and followers of your brand, products, companies, individuals.

The banner ads are an excellent way to promote your brand and messages in front of the readers and consumers and the best way to improve your position of match search results, and also they can be directed to your email account, If you don’t have a website.

canalexplorador.net channels does not accept advertising for online gambling-related content, illegal activities, adult-oriented material, discrimination in any way.

Banner advertising

Ad types and positions:

. Sponsor: Horizontal-Top: 717 x 161 px
. Side: Vertical-Right: 250 x 334 px
. Content: Horizontal-Bottom: 717 x 161 px

Free Design Service for Online Ads

In order to make online advertising as easy as possible, we offer all advertisers free design of online ads. Our designers can make your ad coordinate with your brand image and Web site. Simply supply us with your ad copy, your Web address and any other graphics you want incorporated and our designers will do the rest.

Monitoring and reporting statistics of  your URLs

Shorten, share and makes a statistical monitoring of their URLs. It’s the perfect tool to help you understanding your target audience’s interests,and to facilitate the optimization of social media, email and websites.

This service provides analytical reports to assess company initiatives in social media, within which are the following:

. Monitoring accounts: provide reports with the frequency required by the customer and the main indicators of their accounts.

. Tracking social media: allows you to monitor events and activity generated in social media, referring to the account or a specific hashtag.

. We are in the position to develop their specific business needs analysis to assess the results of their social media strategies.

For more information you can contact us: canalexplorador@gmail.com

Website: canalexplorador.net
Email: canalexplorador@gmail.com
Twitter: @canalexplorador
Facebook: canalexplorador